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Mr. LAU Chi Kit

Honorable Advisor (Finance)

Mr. Lau Chi Kit was the Assistant General Manager and Head of Personal Banking Hong Kong and Assistant General Manager and Head of Strategic Implementation, Asia-Pacific Region of The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (“HSBC”). He retired in December 2000 after more than 35 years of services in HSBC.

Mr. Lau is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (“Institute”). He was the Chairman of the Institute’s Executive Committee (1999-2000) and is currently the honorary advisor of the Institute’s Executive Committee. He served as a member on a number of committees appointed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region, including the Advisory Council on the Environment (1998-2001), the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector (2000-2001), the Corruption Prevention Advisory Committee of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (2000-2003), the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee (2000-2006), the Innovation and Technology Fund (Environment) Projects Vetting Committee (2000-2004) and the Law Reform Commission’s Privacy Sub-committee (1990-2006). He also served as Chairman of the Business Environment Council Limited (1998-2001).


Currently, Mr. Lau is an Independent Non-Executive Director of a number of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

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